

EpiTT系列产品包括EpiTT、EpiTwin TT和EpiTriple TT。此类原位测量工具与经过校正的发射率高温计相结合,可以测量晶圆的真实温度,通过测量三个波段的反射率,确定实时生长速度、层厚度、表面粗糙度和层的其他性质。


EpiCurve® TT系列产品结合了晶圆曲率测量与EpiTT的所有功能。EpiCurve® TT、EpiCurve® Twin TT和EpiCurve® Triple TT适用于应变层堆积,有助于避免出现裂缝,保持晶圆平整,均匀控制温度。


Pyro 400可以精确测量蓝宝石GaN表面和SiC表面的真实温度,并可直接控制InGaN多量子阱层(MQW)的生长情况。


EpiRAS® TT is used for cubic semiconductors for III-V surface and interface analysis in the R&D stage. The in-situ system provides data on wafer temperature, growth rate, color-plot (RAS/sR) fingerprints, composition, morphology and doping levels. ... more


In-situ benefits

  • Understanding and optimization of the deposition process
  • Fast development cycles
  • Identification of process deviations at their root cause
  • Prediction and control of final device properties
  • Identification of defect wafers that should not be further processed
  • In-situ methods increase knowledge
  • In-situ tools save money