LayTec Flames 是一多頭光學量測系統,專門用於監測大面積製程的多層薄膜結構。它能在線上製程沉積後量測多點層厚、反射率和穿透率的均勻性,精確度解析高達至小於 1 nm。反射率和穿透率的均勻性典型應用於顯示產業、金屬塗佈(卷對卷)和玻璃塗層的功能層。Flames 適用於幾乎所有薄膜生產線。其無需接觸的光學特性,能靠近製程量測,並可以封閉迴路控制層沉積和蝕刻。有了 LayTec Flames,您可以在製程後依產線速度取得均勻度的資訊,該資訊係以完整的統計分析呈現。您可以運用品質臨界點和警示讓作業員快速反應。
In order to minimize efficiency losses due to reflection of sun light on the front glass of PV modules, high-end solar glass is often equipped with an antireflective coating. The coating is deposited as a liquid by spray-coating or by printing techniques. Thereafter it is dried and annealed in consecutive production steps. The properties of the coating must be optimized in a way that the minimum of the reflectance matches the spectral absorption and conversion efficiency of the solar cells. Hence, spectral reflectance measurements directly deliver the most relevant information to characterize the coating in the production line. Fig. 1 shows the reflectance of uncoated glass and of glass coated by two different ARCs.
Fig. 1. Reflectance spectra of uncoated glass and of AR coated glass with reflection minima at 665 nm and 760 nm.
As the reflectance of an ARC on glass is very low (this is the very purpose of the ARC) and it is mostly deposited on rolled glass which is used in this field of application, in-line measurements are quite challenging. However, optimisation of the optical metrology system’s design allows measurements with a repetition rate of up to 100 Hz even under these conditions.
每個面板的每個取樣取 100 個量測點。精細執行整個面板的均勻性控制並取得統計資料(最小值、最大值、平均值和百分比)。
LayTec Flames 提供高精確度且即時的生產製程品質管控資訊。可交叉追蹤跨面板的厚度變異和隨時間的漂移。透過 100% 管控以提高面板改善平均清潔時間(MTTC)和產能良率。
Fig. 1+2: a-Si thickness on two substrates A and B: in-line Flames is compared to ex-situ reference (Horiba)
LayTec 提供準確度至奈米尺度的堆疊在線監控(此處:非晶矽、氮化矽、氧化矽)。透過直接多層分析節省實驗室分析時間,掌握產品品質保證!此實例中,除以奈米以下準確度量測 45nm 非晶矽 / 100nm 氧化矽 / 50nm 氮化矽外,也對 SiNx 及SiOx 進行線上量測
欲瞭解 Flames 如何最佳化您的製程,請聯繫 或撥打 +49(0)30 89 00 55-0。
Combining two Flames metrology systems of different spectral range gives access to measuring the properties and thickness of all layers throughout thin-film solar cell manufacturing processes, including transparent conducting oxide (TCO) and absorber and buffer layers. Especially, with the IR spectral range included, the position and number of interference fringes of the thick absorber layers can be automatically analyzed and fitted to determine the absorber’s film thickness on-line. By measuring the reflectance after each deposition step, the thickness of each layer can be determined with high precision.
While TCO and CdS film thicknesses are detected with a spectrometer operating in the visible to near-infrared spectral range (500–1000 nm), a determination of the film thickness of the absorber layer requires an infrared reflectance measurement, as these materials are designed to completely absorb visible light. The thickness measurement accuracy is typically 1–2 %. LayTec has built upon its extensive expertise in fitting optical data and accurately measuring optical properties (n and k values) in multi-layer processes to create the most precise automated thickness analysis available for thin-film PV.
To find out how Flames can optimize your process please contact or simply call +49(0)30 89 00 55-0.
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In thin-film PV display and glass coating processes!
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