線上量測是快速、自動化、可靠且非破壞性的量測方法,完全與生產線整合,以全面性地控制製程。LayTec 的即時量測系統應用於太陽能光電、有機發光二極體/有機光電元件(OLED/OPV)、顯示、觸控面板和玻璃塗佈產業。一般來說,LayTec的即時量測系統運用多光學頭配置和極高度的資料擷取。這些量測系統整合進製程步驟間的移轉系統。我們的黃金標準是100% 監控薄膜裝置的覆蓋率和製程零延誤。我們提供以下即時量測系統:
ILMetro stations combine up to five LayTec in-line metrology systems for a comprehensive control of industrial thin-film production processes by non-contact measurements. Each station can be customized to specific requirements and hence usually comprises a different combination of metrology systems.
X Link®: Evaluation of cross-linking degree of encapsulants like ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) or polyolefins after lamination of solar modules. ... more
PearL: Monitoring of the quality of absorber layers in CIGS-based production lines: band gap, electronic defects and the related composition of materials, e.g. the Ga/Ga+In ratio and Cu content of CIGS solar cells. Monitoring of CdTe absorbers is also possible. ... more
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Metrology news for PV industry