
LayTec‘s XBow is a metrology tool that measures the curvature of wafers or other deposition substrates. It works in-situ, during production processes, and delivers in real-time the curvature value of the surface investigated.

It is mainly used for precision optics, optoelectronics or semiconductor applications and allows to increase the productivity of low-cost, continuous mass production processes. Depending on its configuration, XBow can measure the curvatures along two perpendicular directions (X and Y) to determine both the spherical and aspherical components of the curvature.
XBow is optimized for real-time continuous (24 / 7) operation in production environments. It can be easily integrated in the deposition tool control network using TCP / IP (other interfaces are available on request).

In-situ curvature measurement on bot:

  • Single wafers (rotating / non-rotating)
  • Wafer selective measurement on multiple wafers (rotating / non-rotating)


Features and benefits:

  • Surface asphericity determined from wafer curvature measured along two perpendicular directions (for systems with Advanced Resolution – AR)
  • Reflectance compensation detection (RCD) for enhanced dynamic range
  • Optimized for continuous (24 / 7) operation in production environment
  • Wobble compensating optics
  • Remote controllable
  • Enable strain engineering for process control and optimization, improving Co


For further detailed information please check our XBow Data Sheet